7 events found.
Weekly Meetings
Shawn Eyestone
Lion Shawn Eyestone speaking on how this election impacted your estate planning etc rsvp the Tuesday Nov 26
GR Luncheon & speaker – Joe Koenig, Fraud Examiner
Joe is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Forensic Linguist (court-certified Expert Witness for Interviewing & Interrogation). He retired from the Michigan State Police after 26 years and has 50+ […]
Luncheon Meeting – CANCELED due to weather
Chris Palusky, Mel Trotter will be re-scheduled
GR Luncheon Feb 4, 2025-Local author Lisa Romence
Local author Lisa Romence on her new book rsvp 1 week prior
GR luncheon Feb 18, 2025 -Chris Palusky
We will reschedule Chris Palusky new CEO of Mel Trotter Ministries rsvp to Cheryl Tuesday prior
Drew Veach -A.I.
Drew Veach will be speaking on A.I. (he leads the West Michigan AI Lab)
GR Luncheon Mtg with Amy Herbruck, poultry industry
Amy Herbruck will be with us to discuss the poultry farm industry rsvp one week prior to attend the luncheon