Anyone can attend or submit a concern you would like discussed prior to the Tuesday meeting so that it can get on the agenda to either Pres Gary or Sec Cheryl The meeting will begin at 12:15 and the zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
Lions Day at the UN in NY is scheduled for Friday March 3, 2023. FYI the Lions helped organize and start the United Nations. We are a big part of the United Nations You need to register if interested check out their website for details
Hello Fellow Lions! The State Project Series kicks off its first in-depth presentation with Lions of Michigan All State Band this Sunday, March 12 at 7:00pm. This will be a one-hour LIVE Virtual Zoom presentation featuring All State Band CEO Deb Davis, and will include a time for Q&A. Please share this information with your club members and encourage […]
Village Water Filters 3-14-23 6 to 8 p.m. Please fill out the sign up genius... Let us know you're coming... Thank you, Kelly Phelps
GR Lions Luncheon Meeting Noon at the University Club Is proud to have speaker Brigitte Betser. Brigitte is an expert on franchising helping global companies looking to expand into West Michigan. Brigitte has valuable knowledge driven by her past franchising experiences in executive management, franchise sales, franchise training, and franchise support that make her a […]
Anyone can attend or submit a concern you would like discussed prior to the Tuesday meeting so that it can get on the agenda to either Pres Gary or Sec Cheryl The meeting will begin at 12:15 and the zoom link will be sent out prior to the meeting.
We are hosting an Open House for all members to see the new facility and to be reintroduced to the project all over again. The date is March 28 th from 5:30 to 7:30. At Studio 616 building at 4060 29th ST SE . We will have each station maned to show / explain the […]